29 Nov 2024 – Best viewed on desktop
Impeccable and engaging GRI training course by Ir. Ts. Nurul Huda
I am thrilled to have completed the GRI Certified Sustainability Professional course, tactfully led by GEES Group's Ir. Ts. Nurul Huda binti Mat Nor. This is wonderful experience and comprehensive programme provided practical insights and real-world tradeoffs in applying the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, including guidance on universal, sector, and topic-specific standards. The course also provided tips for the alignment to Bursa Malaysia, Integrating UN SDGs into sustainability reporting and soon International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) standards.
Emphasis on human rights
The 2021 GRI Standards update emphasizes human rights, urging organizations to address impacts comprehensively and align with frameworks like the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) for greater accountability and transparency.
Pragmatic with minimalist approach and avoid overlooked practices
Through hands-on exercises, we explored effective yet often overlooked practices, such as using the “Statement of Use”, improving report accessibility for diverse stakeholders, and justifying emission calculations when national emission factors are unavailable. These lessons enhanced our understanding of pragmatic with minimalist approaches to sustainability reporting and not to overburden the organisations with reporting.
GRI and IFRS alignment imminently enabling seamless sustainability reporting
International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation (IFRS) by International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is used globally for corporate reporting to improve communication between companies and investors, set to collaborate with GRI, providing organisations guidance on interoperability that enables seamless sustainability reporting.
There are 2 disclosure guidances namely IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures. The alignment would mean organisations that disclose Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions using the GRI 305 Standards will be well-positioned to report GHG emissions in accordance with IFRS S2.
The course also fostered a rich exchange of experiences with professionals from various sectors, including palm oil, forestry, and logistics, adding valuable perspectives to the learning process.

I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. Kudos to Ir. Nurul and the team for their exceptional delivery and support!
Separately, Aleevar has recently facilitated workshop titled “Unlocked ESG: Awareness and DIY Made Easy” with Pernas as capacity building for organisation to kickstart their Sustainability Reporting journey.
For more information, contact info@aleevar.com